RAVEN-EURO Carbon Fiber Stocks

RAVEN-EURO Carbon Fiber Stocks

We have installed many different rifle stocks brands over the years, but this is easily the highest quality, and most durable stock we have used, that also offers the greatest number of features. We are pleased to be the Canadian Rep for this product. Raven Euro Rifle stocks are well known in Europe in both hunting and long-range shooting circles. Designed for severe operating conditions, they have been tested at temperatures as low as -50c, to 60c above. These stocks are so precise and durable due to the CNC machines used, and their thermocompression carbon Fiber process. All stocks are custom made, with 3 different barrel contours, and 3 different butt-pad options, and many other options as seen below.

These stocks weigh between 21.2- 28 oz. depending on modifications. Standard LOP is 13.75”

Starting at $1250 CAD inc. tax

Bedding Block with Titanium Recoil Lug


Electronic Cant Indicator


Electronic Cant Indicator On/Off

Adjustable Stock

The Tikka MT30 stock offers 3 different choices for the adjustable recoil pad. One that slides vertically, one that extends out, and one that offers both of these features.

ARV (Vertical Adjustment only) - $280 CAD

ARH (Length Adjustment only) - $375 CAD

ARVH (both adjustments) - $480 CAD

Spartan Precision Flush Adapter


Carbon Camo Finish


Best in Class Ergonomics

This site is still under Construction, If you would like to place a stock order, please email us here.